We always have at least nine courtesy cars and two courtesy vans available for loan to customers FREE OF CHARGE who have their vehicles in with us. Why not have one dropped off when we collect your vehicle from your chosen address?
Courtesy Car Conditions
M.E.S. Will tax the vehicle
M.E.S. Will MOT the Vehicle.
M.E.S. Will NOT INSURE the vehicle for customers use.
It is up to the Customer to arrange insurance before use of the vehicle. Most modern policies will cover drivers who are comprehensively insured on their own policy for third party use on a borrowed vehicle. HOWEVER THIS IS UP TO THE CUSTOMER TO ORGANISE.
You will be asked to sign a form to the above effect before the courtesy vehicle is released to you, but this will be explained thoroughly by the service manager upon booking.
Any serious damage incurred to the vehicle whilst in the customers care will be charged back to the Customer.